Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mine,,,, ALL MINE!!!!!!

Please just call me by my new name. Daffy,,, for more than one reason!

This is me at the moment,,,, the next hour,, the whole night! Deciding to do this has plum tuckered me out, seriously. I do not think I am cooking dinner tonite,, would take too much effort after deciding to do what I did.

The title above is clickable and will explain all once you see whats there.

Tamara is somewhere shaking her head,, I know it. Necia too! Girls just throw those meds at me and keep them coming! I'm gonna need it after doing this.

Sock patterns anyone,, magic loopable preferably?

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

V is for Valentine's Day.

How fitting. I spent most of today trying to reach a woman that works at my cardiologist's office,, trying to find out if she had the Dr fill out the one itty bitty sheet of paper that I needed for my medical re-check for tomorrow. After calling her several times, and being told "she's in with the dr's right now", "I'll have her call you back as soon as she's available", etc etc. I dont get a call back. At all. Instead I tried calling one last time after 5pm, thinking I would get the Dr's service. Nope, I got the person I needed. Who then proceeded to tell me that the Dr had my paper, doesnt know if he filled it out. Or better yet, if he didnt, she doesnt know if he'll be in the actual office tomorrow. My chest actually hurts today. Nothing like November mind you,, but still an annoying "thingie" feeling. Not that I expect to be put back to full duty as of tomorrow (yeah right), but it would have been nice to have what I needed especially when hubby made sure the paper was in the Dr's office last Tuesday.

So Between this nonsense, and just thinking of today. Heartwise at least,,,knowing my heart is not 100% of what it should be. That it will never ever be whole again. Thats me in a nutshell,, I'm damaged goods. Guess I'll live to see another V-day. I have too. I have way too many bills to pay, sigh.

But this past week was a good week for knitting. Had my usual meetup with the ladies at Starbucks on Saturday. Sunday, I was invited with a few others, to another knitting friend's place for a few hours! So the weekend at least was sheer knitting heaven as far as I was concerned.

After the Superbowl last week,,,and my El Capitan,,, I knew I was going to make another one. Which I did last week Thursday and Friday! Saturday just had to make the little cross strip for the brim and sew the buttons and ends in,, I was wearing it Saturday night!


Hat is comfy,, but definitely had more give that the first one I made. I think I have to tighten it up somehow.

I love this tho. When button searching,, I knew I wanted a silver toned one this time for this color hat. What did I find?



Is this the funkiest little button you ever saw? On Sunday, when I wore the hat,,,I was asked "Did I weld quarters onto the buttons on the hat?". I thought it was hysterical, but hey,, it makes the cap different, thats for sure!

Anyway for that Sunday I wanted to bring something different to work and knit on. I had just gotten some Cascade 220 on sale and had 2 skeins of a muted heathered purple color,,, and since I am such a glutton for punishment, I decided to attempt the Forest Canopy Shawl yet again. I gave my homespun a rest,, since I have to frog it anyway. Karen (Cooknknit) was there Sunday,, and gave me some help. I just dont know what it is everytime I attempt lace. I fuck it up. It can be the most simple pattern and I screw it up. Well I had a bad moment or two (or three, lol) that Karen fixed up for me, and then I gave it a break for the rest of the night.

The following day (or so), I had been talking to Tamara (of Beancast fame!) about this, and she seem shocked that I wasnt following the charts for the pattern. I mean its an 8 row lace pattern,, of which WS rows are purls. So you figure how badly could I have messed up 4 rows? Apparently,,,enough, lol. And this is with writing out the pattern onto index cards (4 pattern rows-4 index cards). I am somehow Lace Dsylexic. Sigh. I decide to bite the bullet and give the chart a shot. I mean we're not talking a zillion stitches,,, or a zillion rows. I couldnt screw up anymore than I had already right?


I had to post this one slightly larger. Its lace! Simple pattern but its Lace! Again thank you Karen and Tamara for helping me out, even if it seemed like not much on your end. I'm not letting this go to my head of course (no "Wings of the Moth" for me just yet!), but the fact its working and doing what its supposed to. Or that I am doing what I am supposed too! Guess its gonna be charts for me for now on!

Seeing this and how it is working out, is all my poor little heart needs at this point to feel good. And do a good pitter patter!

So I'm going to go sip my glass of red wine now,, get my stuff ready for medical tomorrow. Either they put me back to work restricted (with no work at my depot) or (hopefully???) I might be home for at least another month? I'm keeping my fingers crossed, lol, hubby is off next week. Plus I've got my guild meeting on Wednesday!

Either way, next post might involve some drumcarding. Details to follow!

Vid of the week or Happy Valentines Day!

For those in the supreme throws of love!

Pelvic Power Lifting?

Never mind me,, and I worry about doing Kegels? Knitting content to follow shortly, lol.

PS,, after posting I just had to watch this over one or two more times. My head wont stop hurting from the laughing I've been doing!



The American's were at it too! (snicker)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Little Creature that could!

Or I guess you could call this that. I was checking out mail at one point this afternoon,,, as I was in and out of the house running errand all day. I glance out the bay window where my comp is and I see the big fat racoon, just lumbering by, climbing up the step of my back deck, and then going down the stairs of what used to be the pool.

I was in shock,, since I do know all too well that racoons are nocturnal. And that if you see one during the day,, to stay clear away, as it is a sign that it might be sick or infected with rabies. Did I stay away? Well I gave it a minute, grabbed my cell phone (camera batteries where dead, damnit) and slipped out my sliders to the back to see where the little bastard went.

Now I was just curious,, I dont want them hurt or trapped or anything like that, but there's been a family of these critters that just love climbing up to my bedroom balcony,,,, onto my roof, running around like their doing their little racoon Indy 500 over my head. That and how those itty bitty paws can be so destructive,, as the siding to the back of the cottage behind my house will attest too. I wont even begin to say how damn loud they are when the weather is nice enough to have our bedroom windows open,, to have them screeching and chattering away when your trying to sleep.

Anyway again I digress. Here's the pic of the ungrateful bastard, lol. I apologize for the blurryness and this was as close up as I could get with my PDA. You can see its little ringed tail,, and on the right side you can just about make out its head.

Ah, nature!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

How I spent my Superbowl Sunday!

Well here it is, and I know I'm running late with this but "GO GIANTS!!!"

Anyway, how I spent the day. Woke late, hubby in a foul mood due to waking late and feeling like the day was wasted. I knew better,,,lol,, and I know when to stay out of his way! Got breakfast, came home,, went online onto Ravelry to see what I could possibly make next! I had a skein of yarn that I bought at a sale that Three Black Sheep out by me had had. It was a a natural colored skein of a bulky wool and something fiber. Maybe some mohair, cause believe me it is fuzzy enough. For $2 you dont complain, you just grab it and pay for it and run out of the door like a madwoman, lol. Well,, I had checked out my queue again, and went back to check Rosi G's "El Capitan" cap. Ok I figured I'd give it a shot. Printed the pattern out,,, grabbed my yarn, needles and current knitting bag, packed with it's tschokas and flew out of the house for some peace and quiet at Starbucks. I think I should be paying them some rent, with all the time I've been spending there, lol.

Well, I go get my venti decaf skinny mocha, extra mocha, light whip (a mouthful I know!) grab my usual seat (the comfy armchair), and just take in the laidback music,, sipping my drink,, casting on my stitches. Did a long tail cast-on,, which is fine. Except that I didnt leave a long enough end. So rip it out cast on again. 2nd times the charm. I do the first few rows, the first cable row,, and even tho I was getting gauge across the hat,, I wasnt quite sure I was going to get it lengthwise. Instead of doing 7 rows in pattern, I decided to do 5. At this point I decided to go home and relax in front of the TV with either cable or a DVD, and just veg out.

The game was coming on,, my son actually wanted to watch it, and I was really interested in checking out the commercials more than anything,,,lol,, so we watched.
Even as I was knitting away, before the end of the first quarter,, can we say I was hooked?

And so the game went,,, and my knitting. By the end of the game, I had two things to be happy about. The Giants won,, and I basically finished the hat part of El Capitan.

It may not be much to some knitters out there but this was the fastest thing I knit, even with a bulky yarn. Maybe I should watch more football? Oh damn, I have to wait till next fall now! LOL. Well in tooting my own horn, hat part done during the Superbowl,,, yesterday night I did the brim and brim strip and wove everything in. I knew I should have run to a store yesterday to see about buttons! That I did today and sewed them on the minute I got home. I think I could have sewn them a tad closer together, but live and learn!

So here is "El Capitan"!! Thank you Rosi for such a great quick knit!

El Capitan

PS it made for a very nice warm cap! It was chilly in the house as I was typing this,,,so I've been wearing it to keep warm!

PPS thats my son wearing it, acting as a model for once,,, who took one look at the cap and said "No way Ma,, you didnt make that, you bought it!"

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Drumroll please,,,,,,With actual knitting content!

Ok, so after some 7-8 yrs of off and on knitting,,, potchkering here and there,,,starting projects (socks 3 times already) and never finishing them, save for the one lone sock from last summer I can proudly present to you.


Are we still standing? Did anyone keel over from the immense meaning of that one said statement?



Ok lets forget now that they are in 2 different colors. Forget that they were done for a small child (my niece Kylie, who is 4 years old and begged me to make her some socks!). I dont give a flying fuck at this point! THEY ARE DONE! TWO AT THE SAME TIME!

Gawd help me,, lol I think I'm gonna have another heart attack from this one miniscule event, lmao!

Ok advice now,, this done and out of the way. I am going to attempt to make a pair of socks for me alone. Toying with the idea of Monkeysocks, since I've never attempted anything other than stockinette. I also have a beautiful skeins of ,,,Sea Wool in Hercules,,, some Lorna's Laces 3 different colors worth! 2 loverly skeins of Araucania Ranco and of course, my Schaffer Anne.

Any advice offered will be graciously considered!