2 Things................
#1 I iz hotz!!!!
#2 As of this Thursday I IZ BAK TOO WURK!!!!
Knitting, Spinning, Driving. My tales and escapades of knitting and spinning and the day to day stuff about being a NYC Bus driver and a commuter (ugh!)
and I'm attracted to anything stupid or cute. Case in point, ex-husband,,,,,really really really stupid. But I digress.
I just won a contest! For Rhinebeck!!! A workshop!!!! Woo Hoo! This is where I posted at,,,,,
Alright then. Delivered Wednesday,, all set up finally by Friday. Actually started on it Saturday night,, finished last night. My first scarf made for a forgotten acrylic blend worsted, using the 8 dent heddle on my Kromski Harp. Sorry about pic quality, again, thru my cell phone.
Ok my warp slipped. I guess I have to fine tune my loom a bit. And buy some butcher paper in a roll, or something like that. Will waxed paper work? Tinfoil? Your supposed to let the paper feed as you roll the warp up to create even tension on the warp as it winds onto the back bar. Mine wasnt,,, but I tried the best I could considering it was peg warped rather that warping board the warp. As I first went to forward the warp to continue weaving,, guess what slipped. LOL,, case of live and learn!
2 days after I receive delivery I finely get my loom going? I decided to warp from the peg,, cause I only wanted a short warp anyway. I definitely will try the warping board on the loom,, it was too much a PITA,,,, and you need a 2nd person to help out. Hubby wasnt the greatest of help either!