Talk about a loaded question. Let's see, to start I've been home. Most of the people I know online know what the deal is but I'll try to make a short recap.
Other than a few little nonsense posts, with the exception of about a 3 week period in November, I've been home. Pre-November,,,, Home from work due to elevated sugar levels. Home due to no work. And so that went til November. Went back to work,, on my merry way for the next 3 weeks just about until one week after Thanksgiving. November 29th will be remembered as the big one.
That morning started as any other working day for me. up at 0430am,, out the door about 0510am,,, hubby driving,,, me resting, when 5 minutes or so into our commute,, it starts. Not heartburn,, but a major uncomfortableness, smack dead center of my chest. Like an elephant sitting on a half dollar piece over that area. No sharp pain at all. I was thinking "could this be a heart attack?" Nah,, how could it be? I'm only 46 years old. Do I think of what my dr had said about I have the unholy trinity?
I smoke,,, for years. I'm overweight. And most importantly, I have type 2 diabetes? Still denying that it could be a heart attack I just tell hubby I'm getting scared. At this point where about 1/2 way thru our commute. He asks "do I want to go to a hospital?" I just tell him,, I dont know, I'm scared. The uncomfortableness of the situation was going on for about an hour total when we hit his workplace first. He called in sick on my behalf,, but couldnt do the same for himself due to time constraints pertaining to reporting for work. So here is how the next 5 days basically went.
I go to my sis's house, hubby does his mornings work, meets me after calling our cardiologist, get the service, service says the office will call asap.
We go to the cardi's office, who after 40 mins or so and some tests, sends me across the street to the Hosp for further tests.
Pending those further tests results,, I'm told I've had a minor heart attack, get transported to NYC to another hospital by Life support Ambulance (I wasnt that bad at all,, but what the hell I didnt make these arrangements after all). After testing at the 2nd hospital,, I'm told an angiogram is going to be done Friday the next day. I'm made as comfortable as can be in CCU. I was also one of the healthiest persons in there at that time.
Angiogram is scheduled for the morning,, then I'm told in the late afternoon. Sure prey on my nerves some more. I'm told I'm Hypertensive now. Wouldnt you be if you had the blood pressure cuff from Hell attached to your right arm and it goes off every 10-15 minutes trying to cut your limb off by air pressure alone? (PS I had more black and blues and bruises on my right arm from that godamn pressure cuff than all the IV's and stuff that were loaded in my arms.) So nerves are really getting to me as I try to keep my compusure prior to the angiogram.
Angio finally gets done,, I met the surgeon all of 5 minutes maybe,, prior to the procedure,, and 2 mins after when I was brought back to my room. Dr states to me how I had 2 blockages,, 1- 95%, 2-75% closed so 2 stents were put in. At least I'm not quite bionic yet. I'm told I'm going into the general population next day (reg room).
I'm transferred to a regular room, with some sort of a view of rooftops.One good thing, its a 2 patient room and I've got it for myself for the time being. This hospital has the worst food I've ever tasted. Forget that I'm now on a low salt, low sugar, low/no fat diet. Can we say food sucks to eat? No fiber either, and that wasnt my doing. No fresh veggies, no salad on the side. Plus being diabetic I really got a kick of one meal of fish (good), peas (??? way to starchy plus they gave way too much)and then the 2 huge boiled white potato's they gave me (WTF???) They had me on insulin while in the hospital and they were commenting on how my sugar levels were high? Gee,, wonder why?
Short of the food fiasco,, family came, hubby came of course. Made calls to some friends, of which I got calls back from the majority of them. But did my son come on Saturday to see me? Nope,, he had a wrestling match from school. Was my pressure higher after finding this out? Whatcha think? I tried to remain as calm as I could and ended up napping and knitting alot, whether people were there or not.
Wake up at about 4am,, couldnt sleep. Its snowing,,, looks pretty as it comes down all sparkly. A light coat is on the rooftops that I can see making the city look all clean and pure for the moment. The day is a repeat of yesterday, with the exception that my son actually came to see me. Still upset over that. Karen (Cooknknit) came to vist and graced me with being the first to see her "Here there be Dragons" shawl. Gorgeous! All I can say about it. Perhaps one day I'll get something 1% close to what that looks like done! Hospital people come and go. Nutritionist,, Chaplain (what the hell!) Magazine lady, lol. There's talk I'm being released on Monday. I'm hoping.
Yup I'm released today,, after lunch tho (which still sucked!). I am now loaded with an arsenal of nutritional info,,, meds,,,ordered to take it easy, real easy for at least 10 days. No driving,, no baths (what I wouldnt have done to just sit and soak in my bath at home to relax), no stress. I dont know about the stress part.
So here its been close to 2 months since the heart attack. Trying to do the right things. Everybody telling me do what I have to do for myself to get better and healthier. Sigh try to do that and not think of bills. Thats the sad part,, when this happened, I ran out of sick time, had a total of 7 days to get paid for, and once that was gone,, NADA. Paperwork put in for my disability insurance, which I'm sure will take forever to get my first payment. Filled out paperwork at the job for some sort of compensation,, that I was told dont hold my breath to recieve until its approved. That can take months.
This at least is all of the bad stuff thats been happening. I'm not dead thank heavens,,its dealable in its own way. It could have been much much worse!